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              This is the 11 year anniversary of the NMCB 40 1976-1981 Reunion!

The NMCB-40 reunion is an annual event held in different geographical areas to provide opportunity for everyone to visit with old friends without having to endure exorbitant travel costs every year.  If you can’t make an annual reunion, be patient, one will be coming to your area soon.


A little history, Terry and Jane Blake attended an NMCB-40 reunion in 2013 organized by Tim (Bee) Welch and Joe Morretti (I’m sure there were others).  The next year, Terry and his family  graciously organized the first annual NMCB-40 76′-81′ era reunion in his home town of St. Charles MO.  He and his family cook the food and decorated the the local VFW hall for an invasion of old Seabees, many of which nobody had thought of; let alone seen in over 30 years.


Over the course of the last three years, the likes of Jerry Fillion, Rick Baptista, Terry Blake and so many more have been on a mission to find the old NMCB-40 crew of the late 70’S to early 80’S.  A daunting task which hasn’t been easy I might add.


Through the use of Facebook and the FTN40 web site; both have had a significant impact in getting the word out, sharing stories and finding so many old friends.  Each and every reunion brings a unique experience of laughs, good food and a lot of drink.  If you haven’t had an opportunity, I highly recommend you find the time to attend one.  I guarantee you won’t regret it.


The next years reunion is typically decided at the current years event and the committee members are selected.

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