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Sept. 19 - 21, 2024

Reunion Hotel:

Country Inn and Suites

Barnesville - Frackville

1252 Morea Rd Barnesville PA 18214

                 (570) 773-5252

Double occupancy of $139.00 per night in effect Sept. 17 until September 23.

Book direct by phone by mentioning

NMCB 40 reunion, or click on direct link below

Comfort inn.jpeg

About the Reunions

The new NMCB-40 reunion is an annual event held in different geographical areas to provide opportunity for everyone to visit with old friends without having to endure exorbitant travel costs every year.  If you can’t make an annual reunion, be patient, one will be coming to your area soon.


Through the use of Facebook and the FTN40 web site; both have had a significant impact in getting the word out, sharing stories and finding so many old friends.  Each and every reunion brings a unique experience of laughs, good food and a lot of drink.  If you haven’t had an opportunity, I highly recommend you find the time to attend one.  I guarantee you won’t regret it.


The next years reunion is typically decided at the current years event and the committee members selected.


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